Hello, Amazing Folks. Here's issue #17 of Studio Notes—quick bits delivered to you each Friday. This is a weekly newsletter that I'm publishing here on the blog as well. You should subscribe if haven't already :)


If you're in need of a media cleanse (and who wouldn't be) this calming, peaceful video documenting the process of handmade, Chinese, ceramic bowls is astounding. The intricate steps, no electricity involved, and the surprising finished product. I really needed this inspiration this week.


A brilliant and hilarious piece of marketing: The Cheetos Other Hand Font. And it's actually real. (via STC member Robb Knight) Admittedly, I pour cheese-laden snacks directly into my mouth from the bag to avoid the "other hand" dilemma. And actually prefer little snack-sized bags to help make this easier.


Fixing E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial for the Atari 2600I can't claim to have actually read the entirety of this, but I sincerely applaud the level of nerdery for a game I actually loved as well. To me, it was the godfather of the simple side-scrolling platformer. Plus, E.T. rules.


Another week, another documentary. This one might only be interesting to Gen-Xers? I always liked Tom Green and felt bad for his patient parents, who seem to be lovely people. His self-directed documentary is filled with nostalgia, but also makes a good case for Tom being a legit pioneer of reality television and podcasting.

What are you working on?

I've found a new sticker printer I'm happy with (and one that isn't run by an insane person). I'm going all in on quality going forward. DECALS. That is, screen printed inks, high-quality, split backing. Will have a few new designs in the shop soon.

Also! Our (Other Brother Darryl) new single, "Watch the Trees" is out today. Full album coming February 28th.

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